
VAT Amnesty in 2023 - PM Expects Housing Construction Boost

St Lucia PM Expects Housing and Construction Boost from VAT Amnesty in 2023

In a move aimed at stimulating growth in the housing and construction sectors, St Lucia's Prime Minister, Hon. Philip J. Pierre, has announced a value-added tax (VAT) amnesty on select building materials. The new initiative, set to take effect on August 2, 2023, is expected to fuel expansion in the local construction industry and encourage greater consumer participation. Under the VAT amnesty, the cost...

The best technology for making your St Lucia house smart

The best technology for making your St Lucia house smart

Check out the best technology for making your St Lucia house smart. Smart homes are gaining popularity in today's world because of the numerous advantages they offer. You may employ a few different technologies to turn your house into a smart home. As more people become aware of and accept the benefits of smart homes, they are becoming increasingly popular in St Lucia. Many people, however, believe that...

How much does it cost to build a home in St Lucia?

How much does it cost to build a home in St Lucia?

How much does it cost to build a home in St Lucia in 2023? Planning on buildingĀ  a dream house in St Lucia can be challenging when you have no idea about house construction cost. Here's an in-depth guide on how much does it cost to build a home in St Lucia in 2023 which can help you plan accordingly. This guide will give you a general idea about the factors that you need to consider when estimating the...

2020 smart home report

New 2020 Report Shows that Building New Smart Home is Cheaper and Healthier than Buying an Old Home!

2020 Smart Home Report Smart Homes are residential homes that are built with materials, systems, ad technologies that are good for environment, the people who will inhabit them, and the bottom line... Avoid Some Costs Associated With New Constructions By cutting out the middle men in the process, and working with land-owners to create mutually-beneficial land-terms, Smart Home Development saves the...

first-time st lucia home buyers

First-Time Home Buyers are saving thousands on the cost of homes by Building Smart Homes!

First-Time St Lucia Home Buyers Alot is changing in St Lucia Real Estate. Around the Caribbean, First-Time St Lucia Home Buyers and Caribbean people are turning to non-traditional means of obtaining the home of their dreams. Building a Smart Home may be the most economical option for first time buyers. What do you dream of building? By choosing to build Custom Smart Homes, first time home buyers in...

troumassee Estate Saint Lucia

Troumassee Estate Saint Lucia

Troumassee Estate Saint Lucia Troumassee Estate Saint Lucia is located in Micoud and has over 1000 acres landĀ  on the eastern side of Saint Lucia near the Atlantic Ocean coast. Troumassee Estate has a colorful British and French 300 year history of sugar cane and banana production. Troumassee Estate is privately owned and managed with careful ECO planning for agriculture, residential and touristic...