Saint Lucia Has No Business with Philippe Martinez

Saint Lucia Has No Business with Philippe Martinez: A Clarion Call Against Unfounded Accusations

Saint Lucia Has No Business with Philippe Martinez: A Clarion Call Against Unfounded Accusations

The Government of Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Unit has noted the lawsuit filed by Philippe Martinez, and his associated companies against a number of individuals including former Saint Kitts & Nevis Prime Ministers Timothy Harris and Denzil Douglas, Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Limited, and Mc Claude Emmanuel, CEO of the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit. The case was filed in the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division.

The case relates to accusations made against Caribbean Galaxy Corporations and individuals in St Kitts and Nevis and the management of the CIP in Saint Kitts and Nevis which Mr. Martinez alleges were detrimental to his business and investors. The Government of Saint Lucia is not in a position to comment on the management of the CIP in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

For the record, Mr. Mc Claude Emmanuel’s role as the CEO of the Saint Lucia CIP Unit is exclusively for the efficient administration of the CIP Unit in accordance with the policies set by the laws of Government of Saint Lucia. To date, Mr. Emmanuel has performed his role commendably and ethically.

Mr. Philippe Martinez has claimed that Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Limited has been allowed to operate in Saint Lucia by this current administration. The Government of Saint Lucia states the following facts for the record, contrary to Mr. Philippe Martinez’s accusations:

1. Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Limited first entered into an agreement with Saint Lucia in March 2018 under the United Workers Party Government.

2. The Allen Chastanet-led Cabinet of Ministers approved the Canelles Project as the first CIP Real Estate Project in 2018 and sales of shares commenced thereafter.

3. Construction on the Canelles development commenced in 2019.

4. Upon assumption to Office and noting the slow pace of construction, in November 2021 Caribbean Galaxy was asked to complete the project at the earliest.

5. Caribbean Galaxy has sold all of its shares for the Canelles Resort and it is therefore no longer a real estate option. The construction of the hotel is continuing with a completion date of end of 2025 as signaled by the developers.

6. Consistent with the press release issued on 6th April, 2023, the Government of Saint Lucia’s CIP has repeatedly stated and wishes to reiterate that it denounces any discounting or underpricing of citizenship by any promoter or developer and that the full, legislated investment sum must be paid by every successful applicant.

The Government notes that the inclusion of the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme is merely an attempt to involve Saint Lucia in a dispute between Caribbean Galaxy in another territory which has absolutely no part in the contractual obligations, grievances, or operational misgivings between MSR Media and the Government of Saint Kitts & Nevis.

The Government of Saint Lucia’s CIP Unit gives every assurance that it will defend its reputation and image against any false and malicious attacks and will not be bullied by anyone or company. The Government of Saint Lucia expresses its full confidence in the management of its CIP Unit by Mr. Mc Claude Emmanuel.

Source: Government Of Saint Lucia Facebook Page

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